Dear Friends; yes it is true. I have my PC back and incredibly, I can reconstitute (slowly) my emails! Thanks Fred Walser at Computer Geeks! OK, with the frustration I was feeling it is appropriate that my Fryday humor post should involve a homage to the recent testimonies of our brightest financial executives from our great corporations, As such, I thought it would be appropriate to forward a list of the 10 best submissions that Scott Adams (the creator of Dilbert) received over the past year of just really, really stupid things for this Fryday’s posting. It is true, large companies are made up of some really smart people, but when enough people start making stupid statements and implementing really dumb ideas not really thinking about them, well, now you understand why big corporations start to get into real trouble! Enjoy, and thanks to all who sent me emails of condolences, encouragement, advice, and “I told you so (to get a MAC)!” ________________________________________________...
How to make huge gains by being able to forecast the future that has already happened